Five Mentoring Organizations
Big Brothers/Big Sisters (BBBS)
High School Teen Mentoring Handbook (Alberta, Canada) - pdf download
MENTOR/ National Mentoring Partnership
Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) Ceased Operations, content still available.
National Mentoring Center (NMC)
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
The Mentoring Life Cycle (B.E.S.T.) Model
Modified from
A Sweet, Funny Approach
In Southwest Idaho alone, there are over 100 boys waiting for mentors in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Three of those boys are featured here. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho offers a chance to make a difference in these kids' lives.
What School Officials Say
Communities In Schools helps kids whose family circumstances hinder their opportunity for success. Sometimes families aren't able to provide for all the things kids need. We recruit and train community volunteers to work as mentors and tutors who provide consistent adult guidance, life skills modeling, and set the expectation for success.