We are a training alliance of Employers, Pioneers, Parents, Mentors and Candidates.
For young people with learning differences who seek supports for a successful launch into independence, we can provide the tools you need that will help you overcome fear, target your intrinsic motivation and help you find purpose, unlike doing nothing and accepting the status quo.
Employers We help train niche workers, who will reward you with strong workplace loyalty and minimal turnover. There is ever more information about governmental programs, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and generating community goodwill.
Pioneers (link)
501(C)(3) | EIN: 46-3532301
Parents Want some help in preparing your child for the workplace? What can you, in turn, teach others?
Mentors You are needed to share your areas of expertise, as according to the Code of Conduct in the areas of professionalism, confidentiality, and accountability. You can make a huge difference in the life of a young person facing challenges. Sign Up Here.
Candidates Our objectives are to help the Candidates achieve "integrated employment normalization, defined by what they do and how they contribute to the workplace, knowing that they might need additional supports or accommodations". Sign Up Here. We use naturally-occurring community and workplace supports, mutual respect and courtesy, professionalism, accountability, and full networking knowledge of what everyone else is offering. We are delighted to see each new resource to help those challenged with learning differences continue to learn ever-increasing functional skills. If there are holes, we seek to help fill them.