Here are some links to more information (1)

  • Acronym Dictionary - There are many acronyms in the disability world. As a service to Association of University Centers on Disability members and the community, some of these acronyms are listed here, along with a brief explanation and link to websites.

  • Disability Fact Sheets - This comprehensive manual is designed to assist One-Stop Systems in meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities. The manual contains fourteen sections, including Section 5: Disability Fact Sheets. The entire document, as well as individual sections, is available as a downloadable Word or PDF file.

  • Job Accommodation Network –(JAN) is the leading source of free guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

  • NICHCY - is a national dissemination center that provides information on disabilities in children and youth. NICHCY offers brief, but detailed fact sheets on specific disabilities. Each fact sheet defines the disability, describes its characteristics, and offers tips for parents and teachers.